This release contains any new features, improvements and bug fixes worked on for this period. This is a small release as we are working on some larger features which will be announced in our Quarter 3 release. Moving forwards, our sprints will be general fixes and any small tweaks. All major developments will be released quarterly.
* New + Improved
* New configurable placeholder
Currently when a notification is generated, the Notification Name within the contract template for each workflow can be configured, and FastDraft adds the sending party name in front of what's configured. Normally this is pre-determined for the workflow but, in the case of Defects (various PM/Supervisor workflows in that group) the sender party can vary according to the party structure.
We have added the capabiity to include the party name when configuring the Notification Name for any workflow.
* Improved Placeholder Management for Clause/Type
Type/Clause are managed via a number of different placeholders that exist within each workflow group and these placeholders support a variety of different customisations that apply to each clause but currently the customisations available to use vary from workflow to workflow. We have made improvements, so that users with permission to edit a contract/master template will be able to configure which clauses appear on each workflow (currently Instructions/Notifications/Submissions workflow groups at this stage) via a single unified Clause/Type placeholder. This is a precursor to a much bigger change we are working on. These can effectively sit redundant in your master workflows. You can continue to use existing placeholders and, at this stage, we recommend you do as currently the new placeholders will be harder to manage. We will provide further updates when complete with support documentation.
* Improved workflow status descriptions
We have updated 'Awaiting Acceptance' to 'Awaiting Reply' (in various registers) and on workflow replies from 'Acceptance' to 'Status' so as to use generic terminology that is suitable for all contracts. Please note - Aggregate reports have not been updated yet. They were not updated in order to avoid negative impact in Power BI.
* Bug fixes
The following bugs have been rectified: -
- When a Related CE Assessment was created from a CE linked to a Task Order and/or Project Order, the secondary dates filter was not correctly applied.
- Other PM Assessments workflow was not generating email notifications under the Email Notifications tab
^^ Items marked with a double up arrow require specific permissions or subscription types before they are available.
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