This article is a guide to Project Manager's Instructions in FastDraft.
This guide contains the following:
- Introduction
- How to create a Project Manager's Instruction
- How to Print an Instruction
- Finding your way around the relevant Register
- Training Video: How to create an Instruction
It is very important that any instructions are in writing, and by the Project Manager or named delegate i.e. someone who has been given permission within the Contract Management Platform to write the communication on the Project Manager’s behalf.
The Project Manager should state whether they believe the instruction to be a Compensation Event or not and this process at least forces them to think about it before communicating the instruction. If they do not believe it to be a Compensation Event or are not sure, they should say it is not one and let the Contractor notify themselves if and why they believe it to be one. The Project Manager can then respond to that Notification separately.
How to create a Project Manager's Instruction
The Project Manager can access the Project Manager Instruction template from either selecting the Project Manager's Instruction from the green “Create New” button at the top of the page on the Dashboard...
... or by using the left-hand navigation panel.
From the Project Manager's Instructions register, click Create New.
You will then be presented with an instruction template with prompts and also a dropdown of the relevant contract instructions types.
When you have populated the template you can create a draft before sending.
This will provide you with a preview of your instruction, which you can still edit and save to work on at a later date.
When you are ready, click Communicate Instruction, then Communicate and it will be sent to the other Party.
If this green communicate action button is missing, it is because you only have permission to draft the notice and don't have permission to communicate it. Contact your line manager to see if you should have this permission.
How to manage Instructions that are also Compensation Events
Here the Project Manager is required to select the reason within the contract, the clause the instruction is being issued under. It must be one of the reasons listed in the contract for it to be a necessary communication. There is also a requirement for the Project Manager to state if they believe this instruction is a Compensation Event or not. Unless the Project Manager is sure it is one, the response will be they do not believe it is a Compensation Event. If they agree it is a Compensation Event, there will be a separate prompt for the Project Manager to now also notify on a separate form that this event is a Compensation Event and request a quotation. If the Project Manager has stated it is a Compensation Event on this instruction form but not yet requested the quotation this will be picked up as an outstanding action on the right-hand toolbar.
If the Project Manager has stated they do not believe the instruction to be a Compensation Event, there is nothing to stop the Contractor from notifying themselves that it is a Compensation Event and why – for the Project Manager to then accept or reject as a separate communication/process.
How to Print an Instruction
Once your instruction has been communicated no changes can be made to it. The instruction will automatically be added to the relevant Register and you will be able to print by selecting the Print button.
Finding your way around the relevant Register
From an instructions you can navigate back to the relevant Register by clicking the "Back to Register" button or by clicking the breadcrumb navigation.
Search, Filter and Export your Register
The instructions Register shows all the information that the NEC Contract requires it to show and also lots of other useful information to help you manage the instructions on your contracts. By default on a NEC3 ECC there is only one version of this Register for the Project Manager. Supervisor's instructions for searching for Defect are displayed in a separate under Quality Management group. By default the Project Manager's Instruction Register shows:-
- ID
- Subject
- Type
- Instructed Date
- Instructed By
- Status
- Reply Required
But the following additional data fields can be added to the Register using the column chooser
- Details
- Project Code
- Project name
- Reply Draft By
- Replied By
- Reply Date
- Reply Comments
- Replying Party
- Portfolio Tags
- Programme Tags
- Project Tags
- Other Tags
- Relations
The Register also allow you to search, filter and export.
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