In this Academy release (Nov 2020) We have built over twenty new courses that on subjects such as NEC4 PSC, dynamic cost reporting temporary works and also continue to expand our library of free courses. Here is a round up of what the team have been busy building
New Premium Courses
- NEC3 ECC Payment D: Main Options E and F and Definitions in Detail
- NEC3 ECC Payment C: Main Options A, B, C & D
- NEC3 ECC Payment B: Introduction to Other Definitions, the Main Options and SummaryCoronavirus: * Dealing with it under NEC
- NEC3 ECC Payment A: Payment Introduction, Assessing the Amount Due and Payment
- How to pay the Consultant under NEC4 PSC
- What to do when things go wrong on an NEC4 PSC
- Understanding Client’s and Consultant’s Obligations under NEC4 PSC
- An overview of Schedule of Cost Components and Short Schedule of Cost Components under NEC4 PSC
- Getting to Grips with Compensation Events under NEC4 PSC
- Quality management, managing Defects and good quality Scope under NEC4 PSC
- NEC4 PSC: How to produce and update your programme
- Temporary Works
- How to choose the right secondary Options under the NEC4 PSC (Part 2)
- How to put together an NEC4 PSC and choose the right main Options (Part 1)
New Webinars
- Overview of Payment provisions under JCT D&B Contract – Listed items & Deductions
- Indemnity and insurance under JCT D&B – Public Liability and Works Insurance
- What to do when things go wrong on a PSC (Rights to material, Liabilities & insurance, Termination & disputes
- Coronavirus Contract Surgery – Your NEC questions answered on Termination, Force Majeure and Compensation Events
- The key differences between NEC3 & NEC4
New Short Course format
Adding a new section for short learning with articles & training information in 5-10 minute easy to use reference learning
- Dynamic cost reporting
- What is the future of skills in construction?
Built Intelligence boosts its live training programme for 2021 with 70 new courses. Following the launch of the Built Intelligence webinar programme last year, we have now trialed over 21,000 attendees through 2020 and will shortly be launching over 70 web classes in the first quarter of 2021 on the following topics, as we look to increase this programme 5-fold. Titles planned for the start of next year include:
- APC Training & Support Sessions by @christina.hirst
- Payment under the Construction Act by @Mike_Tiplady
- Commercial Awareness by @stevencevans
- Contractual Entitlements by @stevencevans
- FIDIC Yellow Book by @stevencevans
- CESMM4 by @stevencevans
- JCT SBC by @stevencevans
- NEC3 ECC by @Barry_Trebes
- NEC4 ECC by @Barry_Trebes
- NEC4 ECS by @Neil_Earnshaw
- NEC4 PSC by @Barry_Trebes
- NEC3 TSC by @Neil_Earnshaw
- NEC4 TSC by @Neil_Earnshaw
If you would like to see new titles or different subjects included, let us know and we will try and add these into our programming for 2021 let us know your suggestions in the comments below
Releasing soon
More information on the 2021 programme will be available shortly. Premium subscriptions and enterprise customers can access all these courses through their academy accounts. Premium series webinars can be access here:- Bridge
All free webinars will be available via the website and can be access here: 2021 Programme 1
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