New + Improved
This release sees several new configurable options for contract templates to provide further flexibility and a new contract template based on the framework NEC4 ALC.
* New Contract framework NEC4 ALC ^^
We have created a bespoke contract for one of our customers based on the NEC4 ALC framework. In order to improve the quality of reporting 3 new Date fields have been added to Compensation Model:
- NoticeResponseRequiredDate Notice Response Required Date
- QuoteResponseRequiredDate Quote Response Required Date
- QuoteResponseReceivedDate Quote Response Received Date
The following 2 fields will continue to be updated and continue to display the latest PM response required and PM response received date respectively:
- projectmanagersigneddate Latest PM Response Required Date
- projectmanagerresponsedate Latest PM Response Received Date
The two Latest PM Response Required/Received are dynamically adjusted as the CE progresses through various stages. That means, in the case of a CE notified by the supplier the field will initially display the date the PM needs to reply to the CE Notification but subsequently, assuming the CE Notification is accepted and quotation is submitted, the same fields will be updated to show when the PM response is required/received to the quotation. However, under the Alliance Contract Type changes, these two fields will not be updated at the quotation stage, owing to the fact that the PM is not the responding party to a quotation under the Alliance Contract.
In order to be compliant with the NEC4 Alliance Contract;
It is now possible to configure both sending and replying party on the following workflows:
- CE Quotation
It is now possible to configure the replying party on the following workflows;
- PM Notification
- Supplier Notification
- Supervisor Notification
- Client Notification
This will have an effect on the logo branding of each workflow.
This will also have an effect on the pending action tab with action owner being shifted dynamically, based on the contract template configuration.
In addition to being able to configure the replying party on a Notification, it’s now also possible to configure an exception (i.e. a different reply party) for each clause in the dropdown. In the case of an exception, rules for drafting/sending the reply will be fixed based on party [Manager/Support/Cost Manager can draft, Manager can communicate].
In preparation for deemed acceptance [required for the NEC4 Alliance contract and, shortly thereafter, to be supported for other contract types] it will be possible to nominate that a particular notification clause(s) is/are related to deemed acceptance.
* New optional response time parameters ^^
Two new optional parameters, PROP_QUOTE_DURATION and PROP_REQUOTE_DURATION have been added to contract resources so that we can set a separate quote duration and revised quote duration for a proposed instruction (i.e. so that uses a different duration than other CE types).
The new resources should be used in exactly the same way as QUOTE_DURATION and REQUOTE_DURATION respectively but only for the PM Proposed Instruction [/compensation-events/instructions/].
Where these optional parameters are not defined (e.g. contracts created prior to the new parameters being created) the existing logic will apply (i.e. use QUOTE_DURATION and REQUOTE_DURATION or, in the absence of those, the system default response timescale for a quotation [21 days]).
* New Aggregate Reports^^
Aggregate reports are now available for the following workflows:
- PM to PM Notifications
- Supplier to Supplier Notifications
- Client to Client Notifications
- Supervisor to Supervisor Notifications
* Improved performance on Aggregate Reports^^
We have Introduced a configurable option to limit the date range of aggregate reports [excluding Contract summary] to a maximum of 12 months.
Where a site includes lots of historic data, running reports for the full dataset can have detrimental impact on the performance of the live service. In order to avoid negative impact, it may be necessary to invoke a control that restricts the date range to 12 months. Where enabled, running aggregate reports via the UI will be constrained to a maximum date range of 12 months. This constraint will not be enabled on any site until the impacts have been discussed. Note: The longer term intention for Power BI reporting is to use API connectors that won’t be constrained in the same way.
* Improved Outstanding Actions Counter ^^
Where new workflows are enabled that place an action against the Client party the total number of actions assigned to the Client will now be included in the dashboard panel
^^ Items marked with a double up arrow require specific permissions or subscription types before they are available.
** Items marked with a double asterisk will provide improved scalability, performance and reliability for the platform and will be rolled out in the near future.
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