New + Improved
This release contains added information and functionality to improve reporting and the use of FastDraft.
* New capability - Amend the status of a Company^^
- A new on/off toggle on the Company overview page has been added which allows users with the correct level of access to deactivate or reactivate a Company.
- When a Company is marked as deactivated it will continue to be available via all reports and registers. A new status column (Active/Deactivated) is now available on the Company register.
- Deactivation of a Company is not allowed if there are still active users associated with the Company. An error message will be displayed.
- When a company is deactivated no further changes can be made to that company other than to reactivate the Company.
- Deactivating a Company will NOT deactivate any of its associated users.
- Reactivating a Company will NOT reactivate any of its associated users.
- A deactivated user cannot be reactivated if the Company they are associated with is deactivated. An error message will be displayed.
- An existing user cannot be moved to a deactivated Company.
- When moving a user from one Company to another [via the Company Update' button ] the list of companies displayed will exclude deactivated companies.
- Any dropdown that displays a list of Companies will exclude deactivated companies.
- The relevant APIs will also show the activation status of the companies for filter results for integrations and reporting purposes.
* Improved Aggregate Reports extra status fields ^^
Aggregate reports - Add contract status and status change dates to the Contract Summary report
It's now possible for a suitably authorised user to update the state/status of a contract to Completed/Deleted/Archived and the date of each status change is stored separately. As Completed/Archived contracts may still be included in Aggregate reports, it would be useful to know the status and the date the status was last changed so that reports can be filtered based on this information. Where status is not in (Completed,Deleted,Archived)] the status will be reported as 'Active'. In the normal course of events, a contract would be marked as completed and subsequently marked as archived. The inclusion of status change dates will be helpful in the following scenarios:
- Identifying the date the contract was marked as Completed even if it's current status is Archived
- Identifying that a contract was once archived even if its current status is not Archived
- Identifying that a contract was once deleted even if its current status is not Deleted
* Improved Financial Limits of Authority for a Contract User^^
Where enabled, it is currently possible to add a financial limit to a Company User that will apply to that user for all contracts to which the user has been added as a Contract User. A single limit will apply to any process where the process is configured to require a limit check but will only apply where a financial value is captured (i.e. it’s currently not possible to prevent a Project Manager’s Instruction from being issued as, at the point of issue, the Instruction has no financial value assigned).
In most cases, assuming each user has a single limit of delegated authority set by their company, assigning a single limit to each company user will remain the most efficient way to operate. However, in some scenarios it may be useful to capture a separate limit at contract level (e.g. an individual user may act on behalf of multiple joint ventures and/or in different roles that may require the user to have different financial limits that apply on different contracts or the contract may be in a different currency to the user’s company limit).
Where financial limits are enabled, it’s now possible to override the company level limit and optionally set financial limits at a contract level where necessary.
* Improved Aggregate Report - 'Instruction - Supplier to Project Manager' report to be renamed 'Instruction to Search - Supervisor to Supplier'^^
The report currently named 'Instruction - Supplier to Project Manager' actually contains details of Instructions to Search for a Defect, which are generally sent by the Supervisor to the Supplier. For avoidance of confusion this report has been renamed as Instruction to Search - Supervisor to Supplier.
* Update email template specifically for Aberdeenshire
In order to meet the specific requirements of Aberdeenshire Council they have sponsored a change to add the following fields to the body of the automated email that is generated when a user hits the 'Communicate' button:
- Asset Code
- Asset Name
- For action
- For information
These fields were added in order to facilitate the management of email distribution via Outlook rules.
^^ Items marked with a double up arrow require specific permissions or subscription types before they are available.
** Items marked with a double asterisk will provide improved scalability, performance and reliability for the platform and will be rolled out in the near future.
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