This article is a guide on how to implement the Other Assessment workflow within FastDraft.
This guide contains the following:
Related articles:
Sometimes a clause in the contract requires a PM Assessment of something that doesn't relate to a Compensation Event and that may or may not affect the contract price - for example, secondary option X1 allows the Prices to be adjusted to take into account inflation, but it is not a Compensation Event. The PM should be able to issue a Project Manager's Assessment without being obliged to select a related Compensation Event and instead be able to select the relevant clause to indicate the reason for the assessment and be allowed to choose whether the assessment affects the price.
On that basis, the Assessments workflow was added as a standalone workflow to be used in the case where a PM needs to make an assessment unrelated to a CE.
How to enable the Assessments workflow
In the left-hand navigation panel, go to Settings > Contract Template.
In the Workflows tab, select the dropdown and choose Other Assessments (excluding CE's).
It'll appear at the bottom of your Workflow Groups list, but you can re-position it how you like.
Configuring the clauses
It's possible to pre-configure certain Assessments clauses so that when the workflow is used, depending on which clause is selected from the Type dropdown the correct impact tick box will automatically be selected.
In the above example we can see that having selected the X1 Inflation clause means that the Affects Contract Price tickbox is automatically selected. However, it doesn't mean that you can't also select Affects Completion Date, as this option is also still available. Likewise, it's still possible to de-select the Contract Price option as well.
Pre-configuring the clauses is designed to streamline the process for the majority of cases, and also to prevent errors in ticking the wrong box, but there is room for flexibility to account for individual cases.
To pre-configure your clauses, you'll need to go into the clauses list found in Placeholders.
In ClausesPM you can add any clauses you may need and select the Effect/Action.
There are four options within Effect/Action.
- EFFECT_COMPLETION_PRICE means that both the Affects Contract Price and the Affects Completion Date will be automatically ticked.
- EFFECT_PRICE means that only the Affects Contract Price box will be automatically ticked.
- EFFECT_COMPLETION means that only the Affects Completion Date will be automatically ticked.
- NOEFFECT_COMPLETION_PRICE means that both boxes will automatically be de-selected.
Once you're done, select Save Changes then Update Workflow Group then Save Changes.
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