This article is a guide to managing contract users in FastDraft.
This guide contains the following:
Contract Users
The users that are allocated to a contract are shown in both the contract setting when in a contract form, the main navigation panel and also under the Contracts section of the admin panel.
You need to be one of the following admin user types to add a user to a contract:
- Site Administrator
- Company Administrator
- Site Support
- Super User
- Contract Administrator
- User Administrator
Adding users to a contract can be done in the Contract Users register of a contract:
When adding a user you will need to select the company, user, assign them to a contract party role and then select the level of access they should have within the contract. See Understanding how roles and permissions work in FastDraft. You can also enter a contract-basis Financial Limit.
They will then be added to a Contract user list and have permission to work on the contract.
To remove a user from a project, click the Remove link on the right hand side of the register.
If you wish to stop a user accessing the platform entirely, you can deactivate them at Company level. You may also need permission from your company and the users company. These users will be hidden in the platform and no longer able to login. A record of the user is retained in the database and their associated contracts but permissions on the individual contracts will be lost permanently. Please see here for further information.
Email Recipients
It is also possible to add users to the contract to receive notifications only, without being a contract user. These can be added via the left hand panel under Contract>>>Email Recipients. However, they will not be able to access FastDraft to see the content.
Contract Users on the Dashboard
The Contract users list on the contract dashboard can be configured to show all contract users rather than the leads, and also include the configured party names.
This can be configured by selecting the users to add to the dashboard
and selecting the relevant button - to either add or remove
If you are a user of the Managed Instance of FastDraft and you require assistance in managing contract users, please get in touch by emailing where a ticket will be raised and one of our team members will be able to help you.
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