This article explains how to clone a contract.
We have added functionality to allow Admin users with specific permissions the ability to clone a contract from the Contracts Overview page. This will make it easier and more efficient to create a new contract that uses the same template and the same parties. Users with the ability to create a contract (currently System Owner, System Administrator, Site Administrator, Site Support, Super User and Contract Administrator) will have visibility of this function.
Contract Table Columns | Proposed Cloned Contract Values | NOTE: For values where the data type is an integer, null can be 0 null just represents a value which will be set to whatever the equivalent of empty is in that case |
AccountID | From Original Contract | |
ProjectID | From Original Contract | |
CompanyID | From Original Contract | |
EmployerID | From Original Contract | |
ContractorID | From Original Contract | |
Name | New Name passed from UI | |
ContractType | From Original Contract | |
ProjectManagerID | From Original Contract | |
ContractManagerID | From Original Contract | |
SupervisorID | From Original Contract | |
AdministratorID | From Original Contract | |
StartDate | From Original Contract | |
CompleteDate | From Original Contract | |
AssessmentInterval | From Original Contract | |
DefectInterval | From Original Contract | |
Currency | From Original Contract | |
CEResponseTime | From Original Contract | |
QuoteResponseTime | From Original Contract | |
PeriodReply | From Original Contract | |
ContractorCompanyID | From Original Contract | |
PMCompanyID | From Original Contract | |
SupervisorCompanyID | From Original Contract | |
EmployerCompanyID | From Original Contract | |
CreateDate | Today's Date | |
Framework | From Original Contract | |
Lot | From Original Contract | |
PartnerContract | From Original Contract | |
RevisedQuoteResponseTime | From Original Contract | |
LastEditedBy | Current User Account ID | |
LastEditedDate | Today's Date | |
IsDemoContract | From Original Contract | |
UserContractCompanyID | From Original Contract | |
UserPMCompanyID | From Original Contract | |
UserSupervisorCompanyID | From Original Contract | |
UserEmployerCompanyID | From Original Contract | |
MasterTemplateID | From Original Contract | |
ISSecondaryDates | From Original Contract |
As general a rule, data that would reasonably be expected to change in the new contract (e.g. Contract Number, Hub/Area/Other Tags, Price) will NOT be copied over but Start Date and Completion date WILL be as it causes difficulties if they are copied as null. A prompt will, however, pop up to remind the user to change them.
A new contract number will also be required, then click on to save the changes.
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