This article is a guide to using the Contract Lead Users Register.
This guide contains the following:
When a user changes roles or leaves an organisation, it is important their access is removed promptly, therefore we do not want to prevent such user accounts being deactivated. However, there are cases where the user is a named person in one or more contracts (i.e. selected as the main representative for one or more parties in the Contract Overview). In that scenario, we can end up with a contract where a party does not receive any email notification (due to there being no active contract users, no nominated email recipient and due to the status of the lead user account for the party being inactive).
As a result, we recently implemented a new report for Admin users to run whereby they can identify any contracts that have one or more blank lead user fields in the Contract Overview. This will highlight any Contract Overviews that require your attention.
Contract Lead Users Register
The Contract Lead Users Register can be found under Admin Reports in the left-hand navigation panel.
The register is available for System Owners, System Administrators, Site Administrators and Company Administrators.
How to use
The Contract Lead Users Register will only show contracts where one or more of the Overview fields are blank - if they are all filled with active Company and User records, they will not show on the register.
If any of the cells within the table are blank, this indicates that the field is empty in the Contract Overview.
In the example below, we can see that the Lead Client and Lead Client Account ID fields are blank.
If we look in that contract's overview, we can see that it is because the User field for that Client party is blank, indicating that the previous lead Client user has been deactivated.
So, we know now that we need to select a new lead Client party user.
Note: It's important to check the Party Structure column - in some cases, a contract may appear in the register with a blank field but it could be because that Party is not actually included in the contract overview.
For example, the below contract has blank fields for the Supervisor company and user, but if we look under the Party Structure column we can see that the contract does not actually use the Supervisor party in its structure.
Party Names
The register uses generic party terminology, such as Supplier or PM. For individual contract types, the overview will likely name them differently depending on which type is selected. For clarity, the party names refer to:
- Client -
- Employer under NEC3 ECC
- Client under NEC4 ECC
- PM -
- Project Manager under NEC3/4 ECC
- Contractor under NEC3/4 ECS, NEC3 ECSS, NEC4 PSS, NEC4 TSS
- Employer under NEC3 ECSC, NEC3 PSC
- Client under NEC4 ECSC, NEC3/4 PSSC
- Service Manager under NEC4 FMC, NEC4 PSC, NEC3/4 TSC
- Supply Manager under NEC3 SC
- Purchaser under NEC3 SSC
- Client's Agent under NEC4 TSSC
- Supplier -
- Contractor under NEC3/4 ECC, NEC3/4 ECSC, NEC3/4 TSC, NEC4 TSSC
- Subcontractor under NEC3/4 ECS, NEC3 ECSS, NEC4 PSS, NEC4 TSS
- Service Provider under NEC4 FMC
- Consultant under NEC3/4 PSC, NEC3/4 PSSC
- Supplier under NEC3 SC, NEC3 SSC
Supplier Party
Supplier Company, Supplier Company ID, Supplier Company Status
The columns Supplier Company, Supplier Company Status and Supplier Company ID refer to the Company field of the lead Supplier.
The Company Status will refer to whether the Company record has been marked as Active or Passive.
User Supplier Company, User Supplier Company ID, User Supplier Company Status
The columns User Supplier Company, User Supplier Company ID, and User Supplier Company Status refer to the User Company field of the lead Supplier.
The Company Status will refer to whether the Company record has been marked as Active or Passive.
Lead Supplier, Lead Supplier Account ID, Lead Supplier Account Status
The columns Lead Supplier, Lead Supplier Account ID, and Lead Supplier Account Status refer to the User field of the lead Supplier.
The Account Status will refer to whether the User record has been marked as Active or Passive.
Client Party
Client Company, Client Company ID, Client Company Status
The columns Client Company, Client Company Status and Client Company ID refer to the Company field of the lead Client.
The Company Status will refer to whether the Company record has been marked as Active or Passive.
User Client Company, User Client Company ID, User Client Company Status
The columns User Client Company, User Client Company ID, and User Client Company Status refer to the User Company field of the lead Client.
The Company Status will refer to whether the Company record has been marked as Active or Passive.
Lead Client, Lead Client Account ID, Lead Client Account Status
The columns Lead Client, Lead Client Account ID, and Lead Client Account Status refer to the User field of the lead Client.
The Account Status will refer to whether the User record has been marked as Active or Passive.
PM Party
PM Company, PM Company ID, PM Company Status
The columns PM Company, PM Company Status and PM Company ID refer to the Company field of the lead PM.
The Company Status will refer to whether the Company record has been marked as Active or Passive.
User PM Company, User PM Company ID, User PM Company Status
The columns User PM Company, User PM Company ID, and User PM Company Status refer to the User Company field of the lead PM.
The Company Status will refer to whether the Company record has been marked as Active or Passive.
Lead PM, Lead PM Account ID, Lead PM Account Status
The columns Lead PM, Lead PM Account ID, and Lead PM Account Status refer to the User field of the lead PM.
The Account Status will refer to whether the User record has been marked as Active or Passive.
Supervisor Party
Supervisor Company, Supervisor Company ID, Supervisor Company Status
The columns Supervisor Company, Supervisor Company Status and Supervisor Company ID refer to the Company field of the lead Supervisor.
The Company Status will refer to whether the Company record has been marked as Active or Passive.
User Supervisor Company, User Supervisor Company ID, User Supervisor Company Status
The columns User Supervisor Company, User Supervisor Company ID, and User Supervisor Company Status refer to the User Company field of the lead Supervisor.
The Company Status will refer to whether the Company record has been marked as Active or Passive.
Lead Supervisor, Lead Supervisor Account ID, Lead Supervisor Account Status
The columns Lead Supervisor, Lead Supervisor Account ID, and Lead Supervisor Account Status refer to the User field of the lead Supervisor.
The Account Status will refer to whether the User record has been marked as Active or Passive.
Record Status
The Record Status column refers to the status of the contract, whether it is Active or Archived.
Party Structure
The Party Structure column refers to the number of parties that the contract uses. There are four available options:
- Client > Contract Administrator > Supervisor > Supplier
- Client > Contract Administrator > Supplier
- Contract Administrator > Supervisor > Supplier
- Contract Administrator > Supplier
Note: Contract Administrator is another term for PM. See here for more information.
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